Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bye Bye Bowl Cut!

We cut it off, all off! We gave chandler a NEW DO! It's funny how much they change when you give them a different hair cut. You see how they look like different cousins and family members and such. Chandler was so excited to be able to use HAIR GEL. And he can't wait to go to school he says that no one will recognize him. Mom still likes her baby boys with bowl cuts, but it is a nice change for awhile.


Tera said...

Very handsome. I like it.

Anonymous said...

I love it. When I take Andrew in for a cut (no way am I as brave as you to do it myself), the first thing he says is, No Line! I don't want to see a line (meaning a bowl cut). He is so finicky.

Dana said...

Yea!!!I love it. He really does look so different.