Friday, March 20, 2009

Blog book!

Ginger my sister-in-law showed me a cool thing, and I wanted to share. She has printed her blog out into a book. So this is a great idea for all those non-scrapbookers like me. so I have decided to do this myself so we can have a family blog book for each year. I am so excited! So I am going to try to blog the weeks activites each sunday so I can make me a 2009 book. So wish me luck. Thanks Ginger for the idea, and being the guinea pig.


Ginger said...

I'm so glad you are doing it too!! I can't wait to see yours when you do one! I just love it cause now I don't feel guilty about not scrapbooking or writing in my journal... this is like killing 2 birds with one stone, but so much easier!

Jaime said...

That's exactly why I write so much because it will be my families journal!

Tera said...

I love the idea! I am planning to do the same. Let us know how yours turns out.